Proposition 19: What Hath We Wrought?

Mr. Hess previously presented online before 120 local accountants (the CalCPA Sacramento Chapter Real Estate Discussion Group) “Proposition 19: What Hath We Wrought?” A copy of his slides, which includes coverage of current law, changes and tax planning may be found in the SBEPC Doucment Library.
Cameron L. Hess, Esq., C.P.A., is a Partner with Wagner Kirkman Blaine Klomparens & Youmans LLP and practices in the transaction department in the areas of taxation and business law. A Certified Public Accountant, formerly practicing with the international accounting firm of KPMG, Mr. Hess has a diverse practice focusing on integrative planning for real estate, business transactions, estate planning and federal, state and local tax controversy. Mr. Hess has over 30 years' experience in representing several industries and closely held businesses (including real estate, manufacturing and services.)